Tuesday 11 April 2017


Salam dari Kolej Matrikulasi Negeri Sembilan,

Peperiksaan semakin hampir. Mood aku nak belajar kejap naik kejap turun macam roller coaster. Tetapi sebagai pelajar matrikulasi dua tahun, aku kena 'ajar' diri aku untuk lebih fokus dan berdisiplin. Masa 'lebih' yang aku habiskan di KMNS haruslah berbaloi. Aku nak pada bulan September 2018, berebut-rebut universiti awam offer course pilihan pertama kepada aku. 😀

Meh sini aku share lima cara bagaimana aku kekal fokus.
Check it out    

First:Aku akan siapakan tutorial topik yang telah belajar.Comfirm cikgu nk bincangkan kemudian hari.

Next,mase weekend aku akan siap semua assignment tuntuk minggu seterusnya.Malam tersebut akan pulun untuk siapkan.

Then,waktu hujung minggu juga aku akan study luar daripada bilik.Contohnya,aku akan belajar di bilik tutor ataupun surau.Jenis aku takleh belajar dalam bilik.Comfirm tidur.HAHAHHA

Lagi satu,aku akan try buat soalan tu sampai faham.Even ambil mase 1 jam.At least aku faham.Terutama sekali mathematic and chemistry.

Last but not least,kalu stdy untuk menghafal study lah waktu pagi.Lebih berkat dan takde gangguan dari anasir.Ecspecially biology.

-Try kenal diri anda,sebelum orang lain kenal diri anda-

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Types of Websites

There are five types of websites which is blog,business/marketing online,portal,wiki and online social network


Portal is one of types of website.It offers a variety of Internet service from a single,convenient location.It have online community that joins specific group of people with similar interest For example,KMNS Portal.Student be able to get lecture note from portal.The lecturers update latest note for them.


Bussines or Marketing online is contains content that promotes or sell the product.
Such as,Apple store.It'll sell Apple product by online.Customers will survey the price and the qualities without go to it stores.


Online Social Network is the best way to share our personal life with family and also friends.It will share images and also video.We can still communicate  even they million miles from us.


Blogger is one of online diary.Many teenagers nowdays create a blog to share their opinion.Some of them also share recipe or other tips.People get benefit from this because they'll find information from search on the Internet.Even lecture also create blog to share their knowledge.  


Wiki is a collaborative Website that allow users to create, add to , modify or delete the website content via their Web browser.Wiki areopen to modification bythe general public and usually collect recent edits on a Web page so the some can review them for accuracy. 


Tuesday 7 March 2017


Families are the compass that guide us.They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter
Brad Henry

young man

He look so tired to find something.HAHAHAHAAã‚·ã‚·

Tuesday 28 February 2017